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Case Study for RIA Leaders

How to generate $25 million in new assets from SmartAssets leads

Over the last three years we've helped sophisticated RIAs process more than 10,000 SmartAsset leads. We put everything we learned into a case study that shows the process and investment needed to generate your first $25 million in net new assets from SmartAsset leads.*

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What does it take to generate $25 million in net new assets from SmartAssets? What is the ROI and NPV of this investment?

Page one of the case study shows the investment required and page two shows the return on that investment. We wrote this case study for busy RIA leaders who want to cut through the noise and understand what investment and process is needed to close SmartAsset leads at scale.

Download the report to learn

  • The average close rate across more than 10,000 SmartAsset leads
  • Best practices to see the most success
  • Strategic landmines that waste time and energy of advisors
  • The ROI and NPV that sophisticated RIAs can expect when launching a campaign